Thursday, November 8, 2007

Random Rambling...

It's days like today that really make me wonder if I'm sane.

It's been a long stressful week and I'm so so so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Nothing really exciting has happened this week. Though there is the possibility that my older brother's new baby will make her appearance sooner than we think. My sister in law has been having some contractions this week. Even though she isn't "officially" due until December. If the baby (Susanna) comes this weekend, that would be exciting. Especially since I picked November 11th for the baby pool.

I had the hardest time concentrating on anything today. My thoughts ran the gamut from a "to do today" list all the way to "I wonder if they make pickle flavored ice cream for pregnant women." Don't tell my boss, but I'm pretty sure that I spent at least 10 minutes today at work making a paper clip chain. Don't get me wrong, I did everything that I needed to get done. But, I to the scenic route mentally to get there. My mom surprised me and showed up at my work for lunch. That was fun, even though we had to have hospital cafeteria food.

I should be doing about 15 other things right now. But, I'm stalling. I need to pack for the weekend as I'm going out of town. I have to replace my shower curtain with the new one I spent 20 minutes deciding what color to get. (Ended up with a plain white one.) Then there's taking the trash out, running the dishwasher, and exercising. Stuff like that.

Next week will be alot more interesting. I only have to work 3 days, then I have Thursday and Friday off for hunting. There's always some good deer camp stories which I'll post here as they happen. We could have the new baby at that point. And, we're in the middle of potty training 2 year old Leah.

Just a side note in closing... I looked it up. They did at one point make pickle flavored ice cream that they marketed to pregnant women. They stopped making it due to lack of interest. But that brings me to another interesting random thought. "Is there a niche in the food market for a 24 hour store that sells only foods that pregnant women crave?" See what I mean?? What sane person thinks of things like that. I must need more sleep or something...

1 comment:

Hilary said...

That is a disgusting picture!!! If you turn your head just right it looks like... well... never mind. Let's just say I don't want any pickles any time soon!!!!

