Monday, February 11, 2008

Random Rambling on a Monday...

When you're beyond the point of exhaustion, its not uncommon for ones brain to wander. Today was one such day for me. I didn't get much sleep this last weekend and it took all 4 alarm clocks to get my rear out of bed this morning. So, please forgive me if this blog is more rambling than usual.

I managed not to drown myself in the shower, pick out matching clothes, and make it to work on time this morning. No a small task considering the early morning traffic. Since I leave for work at the crack o' dawn there isnt usually too many other cars out there on the road. But for some odd reason, the few cars that are out there must pull out in front of me (even though there's no one behind me for at least 6 miles) and then procede to go at least 10 miles under the speed limit. I swear that the same guy cut me off 3 times this morning and I only live 2 miles away from where I work.

Once at work, I proceded to follow my "work routine." Open the department, deal with the orders on the printer, and so on and so forth. Part of said routine is for me to go pick up the stats and dictation from other departments at the hospital. This particular morning, I noticed several large bouquets of flowers gracing the main lobby and one in the cafeteria. These arrangements must have cost a pretty penny. What struck me as odd, was that they were obviously donated from various local funerals. I don't know about you, but I think its creepy to have funeral flowers at a hospital. But heck, we do recycle....

I usually eat at least 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) while at work. I can't eat at 4:30-5:00 AM when I get up and am getting ready for work. So, I'll grab breakfast around 7:30. An omelet, the yogurt bar, or even fresh fruit are my usual selections. After breakfast, I'll take my daily vitamin and other supplements. (Not pretty when taken on an empty stomach, trust me!) This particular morning I noticed that together the pills had 80 calories. I was agast! Those calories should be "Freebies" and not count in ones daily calorie count. Especially when you're on a diet and all the calories you can get count. 80 calories is like a weight watchers chocolate snack cake... Think about it... if given the choice... what would you choose? A vitamin and dietary suppliments or chocolate cake.... Hummm...That's a toughie!

I'm sure that many of you who are reading this expect me to comment about the referee's from Sunday's Wings game. And normally I'd oblige with a tirade about how moronic they are and how they must have been dropped on their heads as children. But, I reasoned today that their preformance speaks for itself. You don't need me to point out how with their actions and egos cost a team a legitimate goal. You also dont need me to point out that they don't have to worry about their on the job preformance due to fact that there is no accountability in the NHL on ice officials world. The simple fact that the director of officiating resigned due to taking monies from referees in exchange for "choice" games speaks for itself. Though, I still might indulge in a few thoughts of them perishing in a firey car crash. As my mother says... "They know in their hearts what they did.." Well, so do the rest of us fans. And we also will remember when it comes time to spend our hard earned $. We know that the Gary Bettman is turning the NHL into the laughing stock of the sports world.

Well gang, I'm off to exercise and to go sleep. I'll talk at ya'll later. Sweet Dreams all!

-Joelle "reffie"

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Leah wanted me to tell you "Shhs!"

:-D Just kidding :-D