Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cause I had a bad day...

"Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong(yeah...)
....Cause you had a bad day..."

Everyone knows the Daniel Powter "bad day" song. Made famous by being the "cry" (I got kicked off the show,) song for American Idol. Well today, it was my theme song. To put it bluntly, I had a REALLY bad day! The only good part of today has been that I controlled myself and didn't kill my co-workers.

I went into work early because I knew that I was going to behind due to a meeting that was added to my co-worker and my schedule. It was scheduled because the people at another office didn't show up to the last scheduled admin. assistant meeting. Which of course made me angry that because of their incompetence I was going to lose an hour of work time. And to make it all the more fun, it ran a half hour over the allotted time. Right now we are REALLY busy at our office and wasting an hour and a half for this meeting didn't help.

An ominous start to the day that progressively got worse. The powers that be keeps volunteering me for things without even bothering to see if/how it affects me. They make decisions and then say, "This is how it's gonna be..." Leaving me to say... "But what about this or That's great in theory, but in reality it won't work." Add the fact that they are completely ripping apart the whole hospital for construction, the nurses and a few other departments are acting like they think they are God's gift to the planet, and the fact that my allergies are going haywire and it makes for a LONG work day. I feel like a bottle of coke that someone puts their thumb over the opening and then shakes it up.

It cold again, so the brief sunny respite from winter is over. The threat of rain hovering over us like the smell of stinky feet. I know it's spring and the weather is as expected, but I was so so so ready for it to be warm. The irony is that I know this summer when it's hotter than crap, I'm going to be complaining that I miss the cold. I can't win for trying today.

Speaking of feet, why is it that the one pair of socks that you grab out of the drawer (or pile) is always the one that the elastic is going out of and they creep slowly down to bunch up in your toes all day? Or, the instant that you put them on a hole develops in the toe and you don't have time to go back and change them. UGH!

I'm so frustrated with today that I'm physically shaking. I'm ready to chuck it all and go to bed and just start over tomorrow. But, I have to exercise, I have to finish another project that I'm half way through, and then clean up the huge mess I made while cooking dinner tonight. (Note to self... They make cookbooks for a reason... Making up your own reicpes isn't always a good idea.)

I'll see ya all tomorrow. Here's to a hopefully better day tomorrow.

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