Monday, April 7, 2008

Insert catchy title here...

Ok, so it's Monday again. It's finally spring! (THANK GOD!) The temperature was in the mid 60s, the birds were singing, and the flowers are sprouting. I went out without my coat for the first time in 7 months. Ahh... Heaven on earth!

But, all this goodness comes with a price. Along with the sunny beautiful weather comes the first round of pollen. So as you can guess, my seasonal allergies are going haywire. I'm congested as all get out, my eyes are all red and teary, and I've got a headache that bordered on migraine level for the last 2 days. But, not to worry. A few days on my allergy meds and life will be hunky dory again. It's amazing what 2 little sinus pills will do for you.

Work was ok. Steadily busy with lots to keep me occupied. We had over 30 evaluations for the physical therapy department and half that for the speech and occupational therapy departments. Add about 25 screens (people who may or may not be appropriate for therapies,) and about 70 phone calls, and that's what I call a day at work. All that while juggling 20 therapists and their needs. No major catastrophes either.

The funny part of the day that had everyone in the office laughing until they cried was when one of the rehab unit (extended stay) patients tried to run away. The man has had at least one stroke and is partially paralyzed because of it. He was done with his therapies for the day was was patiently waiting for the transporters to take him back down to his room. Since one of my windows looks out into the gym, I was able to watch as he scooted his wheelchair closer and closer to the door. He made a couple passes and then made a break for it. He was halfway down the hallway to the front door before we were able to corral him and get him back into the department. On one hand it was a good thing, as he made up his mind and made his body work to do what he wanted it to do. But on the other hand, half of his mind and his body doesn't work right and its dangerous for him to be "out" by himself.

This afternoon I went grocery shopping to pick up a few essentials. (I have enough toilet paper to last 3 months thanks to my mom.) I loaded up on yogurts (20 for $10!) lunch meats, eggs, milk, and a few impulse buys. And surprisingly, they actually had enough checkout people so that I only had a 2 minute wait in line to check out. YEAH! Then I walked over to the goodwill and picked up a couple new books to read. Can't beat 35 cents for a paperback.

So now I'm going to take a quick nap, Re -heat some leftover pizza for dinner, and then exercise. I've been doing 3 miles a day for the last 3 weeks. My legs feel like rubber bands, but I can tell that my rear is getting smaller. (My pants are getting longer and I'm not shrinking in height.) I hope that you all had a decent day. Go out and enjoy the sunshine for a little. I did it this afternoon after work and loved every minute of it. Talk at ya later skaters!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I took my walk outside after work today, thinking it would be so nice because the sun was out... but lo and behold that nasty Spring wind - it was freezing! My nose ran the whole way. :-D