Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bring on the Deer!

Yesterday my parents and I hiked up to my mom's parents house. It's been a while since we'd seen the Grandparents and it's time to sight in our rifles for the upcoming whitetail season. Mom and Grandma worked on piecing together a baby quilt as we've had quite the baby boom in our family recently. And Grandpa, Dad, and myself went out to sight in our respective weapons.

Dad brought his 30-06 rifle that he's used forever but recently added a new stock too. I brought my 30 30 (similar to the one seen in the picture.) And Grandpa hauled out his mega binoculars. Grandpa's been a gun dealer for years and already had his weapon ready to go.

We trapezed out to the back acres of Grandpa's property and hung up our target board. The board was about 3 feet of plywood painted white with 6 black "targets" artistically drawn onto it in various locations. We marched about 75 yards away and set to work. As I was the only "lady" in the bunch, I went first. I'm happy to report that I hit the target 4 out of 4 times. A little high and to the left, but all 4 shots hit the target. Dad went next, but wasn't able to actually fire his rifle. Since he had replaced the stock recently, the bolt isn't striking correctly. Good thing we went out early and still have time to get that fixed.) Grandpa then fired my rifle once to see if he thought my sights were off since everything was going a little to the left. And then I went again at a closer distance since most of the shots that I'll have from my blind are going to be less than 75 yards. (Stupid brush gets in the way.) So, in all I hit the target 6 out of 7 shots that I took. I'm sporting a nice bruise though. I didn't have my weapon exactly the right way on my shoulder and it kicked back into my bicep. Dad worked on his weapon a bit more and will have to take it somewhere to get it worked on again.

I've been asked how I could hunt. "It's cruel to shoot innocent animals" I've been told. Well, I'd rather have the animal die a quick relatively painless death with my rifle than either be hit by a car (which I assure you is a lot more painful than being shot,) dieing from tuberculosis or other various illnesses, or starving to death. Plus, I enjoy spending the time out in the woods. Usually at that point, most of the things I'm allergic to have died off (other than the mold.) The sunrises and sunsets are incredible. And, I get to spend some quality time with my dad, brother, uncle, and occasionally my sister in law that I dont normally get to during the rest of the year. And, take a couple of vacation days from work which in itself is a bonus. And, we eat all the meat that we get. We don't hunt just for huntings sake.

Well gang, here's to happy hunting for everyone who hunts. Hope you all had a good day or a good one tomorrow. And as Elmer Fudd says... "Be very very quiet, I'm hunting Whitetail!"

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