I have been so tired lately. It seems like no matter how long I sleep it's not enough. Other than a slight headache that's been dogging me for a couple weeks (probably sinus related) I'm feeling great. No hacking cough, no flu like symptoms, not even a case of the sniffles. I fall into a deep sleep every night and even take naps sometimes. Must be the weather. Something about it being colder outside always makes me want to sleep. I cocoon myself in my 7 blankets that I keep on my bed and its lights out Jo Jo until I'm forced awake by one or more of my 4 alarm clocks.
So far this week has gone fairly well. (Yes I know it's only Tuesday!) While today wasn't as good as yesterday it still wasn't terrible. Work was
ok. Lots of phone calls to deal with today. I had to beg, borrow, and promise my firstborn to get all the therapy offices in our system in the phone book this year. And do you think anyone even looks at it. NO! I swear I transfer at least a third of the calls that come in each day to other offices. So, with 3 phones with 2 lines apiece it makes for a long day of answering the phone.
BLECH! And to make it all the more fun, the construction crews accidentally cut my bosses phone line so we had to answer all her calls as well.
Jacob's auction is coming along well. A bunch of us got together last night and combined a bunch of the little items that were donated into bigger baskets. For example, we put the one night hotel stay, a gift certificate for
Bennigans, and the bottle of wine together to make a "date night" basket. 2 of the free video rentals and some gourmet snacks together to make a "Video night" basket. I even got a Certificate from Damon's Restaurant in the Mail today to add to the list. The local newspaper did a really nice article about Jacob and the auction today. It even made the front page. You can check it out by going to
http://www.ourmidland.com/ an clicking on the story on the health page. (Baby born with rare birth defect, displaced organs.) The benefit is this Saturday, so we're hoping for a large turn out. So if you happen to be in Midland between 10-1 this Saturday, swing by and join us for some pancakes, fun, and maybe get one of the fun auction items. (I have 3 extra tickets if anyone needs one.)
And for today's just for a laugh moment, I'm a winner again! I got a call telling me that I'd won a T-shirt in the Coca Cola drawing that they held at work. That makes 3 times in the almost 5 years that I've worked at the hospital that I've won the coca cola prize. There was the tailgating package (portable grill, 4 cases of coke product, and certificate for food) and the all inclusive trip for 4 to Club Med in Florida. Maybe I should go out and buy a lotto ticket like everyone suggests. That's 2 wins in 2 days, Not bad odds if I do say so
myself. It's been said that good and bad things happen in 3's.
Well gang, I'm off to exercise and then settle in for the Wings game tonight. Hope you all have sweet dreams and a good day tomorrow.