Friday, July 18, 2008

Day off ramblings

Ok, so I cheated. I took the day off of work. And I'm not even sick. I'm playing hookie! Hello 3 days of freedom!

Work hasn't been horrible or anything like that at all. We've had our share of loonies, but no more than we expected. Especially during a full moon week. It's just that I need a break. My mind has turned into a pile of gelatinous goo and needs some extra time too cool and set back up. It was getting to the point where I was hallucinating about hearing the phones ring at work, the printers print, and faxes fax.

I'm trying a new thing with my diet this week. Nothing but protein. You see I keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for the past 5 months. Not very encouraging when you're trying to get to a certain "goal" weight in a limited amount of time. I'm still watching what I eat and exercising, but stuck on this weight "Plateau." Thus the protein only diet for a week or so. The idea is that you eat only protein (meat, cheese, eggs, peanut/soy butter, etc.) It's supposed to shock your metabolism into working faster. So far so good, I'm not starving all the time. And I can eat all the protein I can squeeze into a day. But I'm craving fruit in the biggest way. A peach, an orange, a cherry, heck even a lone raisin would make me happy at this point.

I had some blood work this week to see if my thyroid was out of wack and that was what was causing the weight gain, the tiredness, and the hair loss. I got the results back and was disappointed to find that my thyroid is in perfect working order. The Doctor even said that the labs looked "perfect." I had hoped that the results would say The reason you've been gaining weight is that your thyroid is messed up. Here's a pill and the lbs will melt away!" But NO, my body decides to be normal for once in its life. Bah! That means even less calories and more exercise. Double BAH! I tried to stir things up exercise wise by doing sit ups, crunches, and stuff like that instead of the aerobics. It was great at first. I was able to whip through 100 reps of everything. Then, OMG... I'm in agony. Muscles I didn't even know I had hurt.

I'm helping my mom with her rotary radio auction. (Say that one 5 times fast... Rotary Radio Auction...) I'm really excited this year because I've found a whole slew of places to contact about it. If even a third of the businesses I contacted donate then that's 30 + items. Though I'd be happy if just 5 of them would.

I don't have any real plans for this weekend. My nieces are coming to visit, so I'm sure it will be fun. The last couple weekends we spent up at rose lake. I've been going to that lake my whole life. My great grandma used to live up there and left her house to the family when she passed away. Every year we go up there at least once. Go garage sailing, go to the neighboring campground's "Store" to get ice cream, and then roast marshmallow's over the campfire.

Well gang, I'm off to wherever strikes my fancy. I'll talk at ya'll later. Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The best plans gone awry...

Ok, I had all these great ideas for blogs this week. I was gonna write about this and then write about that. But alas, each time I sat down to type it all out my mind went blank. All of those great ideas leaked out of my brain faster than a fat person eats a donut.

I even had this great picture to add to it. It's of my Great Grandma Horsfall. She's my mom's mom's mom. (In which I see I inherited her upper arms.)

So, this is it for today. Next time I'll write all those ideas down so I remember what I wanted to talk about.

Hope you're having a good week.