Is it just me or has this week taken 3 years to get through? I can not wait for this weekend to get here. I've been fighting a migraine since Monday, there's enough drama at work to be a soap opera, and just to make it all the more fun... We're supposed to get hit with a massive snow storm tonight. They're forcasting 5 to 8 inches of snow starting at midnight. I hate driving in bad weather! (Remind me to tell you all about my tango with a snow plow and when I was rear ended by the idiot going 30 mph on glare ice later.)
Today was the lone bright spot in an otherwise crappy week. I left work at lunch today and a friend and I had a girls night out. We went out to lunch/dinner, tried on a gazillion and 2 clothes, and then went to see a "chick flick" movie. 27 dresses. The food was great; and I stayed on my diet...Ruby Tuesday's soup and salad bar. I bought 3 new shirts. 2 out of 3 will be approved by the fashion police (a.k.a. my family.) And the movie was cute. (And yes, I did eat popcorn, butter and all.) My friend and I left each other laughing so hard we were crying.
I'm dreading tomorrow though. I thought it was Friday all day today, so the fact that tomorrow is really Friday is going to make the day drag on and on and on and... you get it... ON! I'm going to need all 4 of my alarm clocks to drag my tookis out of bed at 4 AM tomorrow morning. But hey, at least I'll have a spiffy new shirt to wear tomorrow.
Well gang; I'm off to exercise, pack for this weekend (2 birthday parties to go to) and then finally turn back into a pumpkin. I hope that you all have a good Friday and a fun weekend.
Talk at ya'll later, Reffie
*ps... please forgive any spelling errors... I cant get spell check to work for some odd reason. I'm a blonde... spelling isn't my forte.