Sing with me now...
When the dog bites,
When the bee stings,
When I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.
Ok, It's been a really crappy week for me. There was the whole lost/stolen wallet. I've not been feeling all that great. (A good sign really, all the symptoms are from the fact that my all protein diet is working. There's an adjustment period that you could feel crappy during.) The service engine soon light is on in my car. And work hasn't been the greatest. But, I'm determined to have a better day. It may not be today, or it may not be tomorrow, but I'm gonna have a better day if it kills me.
So, I'm gonna do as they suggest in the "Favortie things" song from The sound of music and remember my favorite things and maybe then I wont feel so bad.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Easy come, easy go....
Yesterday was a really really bad day for me. I lost my wallet. Not the one with all my id, credit card, or other pertinent info. But my little black change purse. The one with all my money in it. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but it rocked my little world. You see, I'm very anal about my purse and it's contents. I always always double... triple check to make sure that I have everything. Wallet... check, checkbook... check, tom tom... check, phone... check, and so on an so forth. So, of course there's the feeling of catastrophe when something goes missing.
I had gone to a store because one of my favorite authors had a new book coming out. The newest one of a series. While they didn't have the book I wanted, They were having some pretty nice sales. So, I picked out a few items and went to check out. I grabbed my change purse and noticed that I didn't have quite enough cash to get everything, so I (Thought) I put it back into my purse and used my debit card instead. Then I left the store thinking, "I got all these good deals and I still have all my cash left." I went to another store that I knew would have the book that had started this whole expedition.
I got the book and went to check out at store #2. That's when I noticed. My change purse was missing. Gasp! I once again used my debit card because I now had no cash. And I high tailed it out to my car. I called store #1 on my cell phone in a panic. "I think I left my wallet at the check out, has anyone turned it in?" Their reply was No, no one had turned it in, but they'd take my name and number in case someone did. I raced back to the original store and retraced all of my steps. But alas, the change purse and all of the money inside was gone.
Now granted it didn't have much cash in it. Just over $30. But that was all the cash I had on hand. And, I had lost my wallet. I couldn't believe I had done something so stupid. And the only person I could blame was myself. That's what made it all the more frustrating for me. It was my own fault. I'm the one who didn't make sure that it landed back into my purse. And to add more insult to injury, I had just gotten that $30. I had purchased some scratch off lotto tickets and had won that $30. So, I ended up having that money for all of 15 minutes.
I keep telling myself that it's ok. It was only $30 and it could have been alot worse. I could have lost the wallet with my id, my purse with my id and the keys to my house, my phone, or my tom tom directionally gps. But it's still a huge feeling of loss. I woke up this morning to a HUGE rain/thunder storm and my first thought was "OH NO! There goes any hope of finding my wallet in the parking lot down the drain." Literally! It's going to be a long time before I'm able to forgive myself. I'm trying. But each time I look in my purse, go to pay for something, or see the items I got at that store I remember what happened. Ripping the scab off the open wound again and again.
So here's to a better day. And hoping that a miracle happens and someone finds and returns my wallet with the money still inside. Onwards and upwards as I always say. Here's a quote I found earlier this week. It's by Willaim James and strangely fits in this situation. “Man can alter his life by altering his thinking.” I'm gonna forgive myself my moment of stupidity. Pick myself (and my self confidence) up and dust myself off. Today is another day! Who knows I may have lost $30, but I'll win an even bigger amount with the next lotto tickets I buy. I'm only human and humans make mistakes.
I had gone to a store because one of my favorite authors had a new book coming out. The newest one of a series. While they didn't have the book I wanted, They were having some pretty nice sales. So, I picked out a few items and went to check out. I grabbed my change purse and noticed that I didn't have quite enough cash to get everything, so I (Thought) I put it back into my purse and used my debit card instead. Then I left the store thinking, "I got all these good deals and I still have all my cash left." I went to another store that I knew would have the book that had started this whole expedition.
I got the book and went to check out at store #2. That's when I noticed. My change purse was missing. Gasp! I once again used my debit card because I now had no cash. And I high tailed it out to my car. I called store #1 on my cell phone in a panic. "I think I left my wallet at the check out, has anyone turned it in?" Their reply was No, no one had turned it in, but they'd take my name and number in case someone did. I raced back to the original store and retraced all of my steps. But alas, the change purse and all of the money inside was gone.
Now granted it didn't have much cash in it. Just over $30. But that was all the cash I had on hand. And, I had lost my wallet. I couldn't believe I had done something so stupid. And the only person I could blame was myself. That's what made it all the more frustrating for me. It was my own fault. I'm the one who didn't make sure that it landed back into my purse. And to add more insult to injury, I had just gotten that $30. I had purchased some scratch off lotto tickets and had won that $30. So, I ended up having that money for all of 15 minutes.
I keep telling myself that it's ok. It was only $30 and it could have been alot worse. I could have lost the wallet with my id, my purse with my id and the keys to my house, my phone, or my tom tom directionally gps. But it's still a huge feeling of loss. I woke up this morning to a HUGE rain/thunder storm and my first thought was "OH NO! There goes any hope of finding my wallet in the parking lot down the drain." Literally! It's going to be a long time before I'm able to forgive myself. I'm trying. But each time I look in my purse, go to pay for something, or see the items I got at that store I remember what happened. Ripping the scab off the open wound again and again.
So here's to a better day. And hoping that a miracle happens and someone finds and returns my wallet with the money still inside. Onwards and upwards as I always say. Here's a quote I found earlier this week. It's by Willaim James and strangely fits in this situation. “Man can alter his life by altering his thinking.” I'm gonna forgive myself my moment of stupidity. Pick myself (and my self confidence) up and dust myself off. Today is another day! Who knows I may have lost $30, but I'll win an even bigger amount with the next lotto tickets I buy. I'm only human and humans make mistakes.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Gee Wally, it's the The Beav!
Ok gang, you'll never guess who I got to meet the other day. Well, I guess I kinda gave it away with the title of today's blog. (Forgive me, I am a blonde you know.) Yep, that's right. I met Jerry "The Beaver" Mathers. I was at the local minor league baseball game and they were having a "50's Night." We were in one of the park's suites, and he popped his head in to say hi. He's alot shorter than I expected. Just barely taller than I am. Please pardon the "deer in headlights" expression I have in the picture. It's not very often that you get to meet "The Beav." Gee Wally, that was swell!

I spent some time this weekend re-reading all my old blogs. I came to the conclusion that I'm a sick, angry childcare provider. LOL, all the posts were about taking care of my nieces, how I was angry at someone (mostly referees,) or how I was sick with some sort of ailment. Really, I am a fairly fun, happy person. And I do more than babysit the girls. I like to watch sports (except basket ball.) I like to read books of all sorts. I have friends and we do hang out. I LOVE to shop. I also hunt, garden, and buy scratch off lotto tickets. I volunteer with the local rotary club, the Access to recreation people, and some of the locals running for the local political offices.
Take this last weekend for example. I sent out another batch of letters for the rotary club's radio auction. I'm looking for any type of donations, so if ya'll got something to donate let me know. It's for a good cause. I also went door to door campaigning for a friend of the family who is running for the office of drain commissioner. *Note to self.... Don't wear a white shirt and dark slacks when going door to door. Especially when you've got a fist full of "literature" to pass out. People tend to think you're a Jehovah's witness and pretend they're not home. Even when you can see them behind the glass door.
I tried to make meat loaf for dinner tonight. Let's just say it turned out interesting. Oh well, it's protein. If I use enough catsup it's almost edible. I got the recipe from a co worker. Definitely not something I'll make again. And, for dessert I whipped up some sugar free cheesecake pudding. I'm still on the high protein low carb diet. I've lost 5 lbs in the 2 weeks I've been on it. I've got just under 10 weeks until I go on vacation. So, if I can keep it up until then, I'll be within lbs of my goal weight. I can't wait for vacation. There is no diet on vacation! But, in the mean time... It's protein galore. Thank God for Crystal light packets. They work great for the fruit cravings and help me to drink the recommended amount water.
Well gang, I have to go clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. I'll talk at ya'll later. Hope ya'll have a good day!
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