I'm lounging on the beach, looking spectacular in my blue and white tankini. I bask in the sun while sipping a fruity umbrella drink; the colorful lei around my neck emitting a heady floral scent. The rhythmic waves lulling me almost to sleep.
Ahh, this is the life!
Having an imagination is such a wonderful thing. In reality, I'm sitting in my apartment watching as it snows once again. Doing my best to create a summer like atmosphere to ward of the winter blahs. I'll take the lamp shade off the lamp for the sun, slip my swim suit over my long johns, add the plastic leis and some tropical music and there you go. A beach vacation!
Its been another rough week. Work had me driving all over half the state to take pictures for the staff directory. I'm behind with my normal work because of it, and that's stressing me out a little. For some odd reason all of our patients are in funky moods. Showing up at the wrong time for appointments and then being upset because they have to wait while we scramble to work them in. The weather's crappy again. It's either snowing , raining, or freezing rain. And, I'm still fighting off that stupid ear infections and headaches.
I went to the dentist yesterday and guess what...I have another cavity. Which makes me angry! It would be different if I wasn't obsessive about taking care of my teeth. But, because I have Celiac disease the enamel is breaking down and causing cavities. I haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep for about a week now. I fall asleep just fine, but wake up every couple hours or so. I'm hoping to rest up this weekend to recharge the batteries. My favorite hockey team has lost 10 of their last 11 games. And I can only blame the refs for about 3 of those losses.
The week wasn't a total loss though. Even with all the new snow (2-4 new inches today,) the temperatures are starting to warm up. I think we made it up to the 30's today. Spring is just around the corner, I can feel it. Although I'm behind with stuff at work, I'm not that behind. It could be worse. The roads were relatively clear the days that I had to travel to take the pictures for the directory. And, I found an address for the friend I was looking for. Not sure if he still lives there, but its a start at least.
The brightest spot of the week came courtesy of my 2 year old niece, Leah. In my family, we say that a particular family member is our "favorite." It doesn't mean that we favor them over than the others, its just a way of saying I love you. Well, my brother told Leah that she was his favorite and she responded by saying "Jo Jo my favorite." Bill then said, "But, you're my favorite, Leah." (Hoping that she would tell him that "Daddy is her favorite..") To which she repeated. "Jo Jo my favorite." Can we say warm fuzzy feelings!
She is so so so smart. You just never know what she's going to say. When my brother walked into the room she was in, she said "I like hockey." Bill asked her what she said, and she responded with, "Hockey, I like hockey" and proceeded to point to his shirt which had a picture of Steve Yzerman on it. That's my girl! 2 years old and already a Wings fan!
Well gang, I've almost written a book here tonight. I think I will go slip on my swim suit and wear it while I exercise. I haven't lost quite enough weight to be comfortable wearing the tankii in public, so it will be great incentive to keep up the exercising until it fits just right. Then I'm off to bed where I hope to get at least a solid 4 hours of sleep. Have a great weekend. See ya next time!
~Joelle "Refhater"