I'm totally frustrated with my new hair style. I'm not used to styling it. (or attempting too...) The uncharacteristically warm temperatures the last couple days haven't been helping either. I look like a chia pet. Just add water (humidity) and it grows. I finally get it straight and laying nice, then I walk out the door and it goes curly. It's totally staticy too, constantly sticking straight up or to my face. And, for some strange reason... Everyone feels the need to run their fingers though the back of it. It's like they've never seen someone with short hair before.
I did have a fairly decent week this last week. Work was ok, other than 80% of the staff getting the flu bug. We called in every favor we had to get help with staffing. I'm trialing a new keyboard there as well. It's one of those silicone ones that is flexible and washable. It works ok so far, but it takes a bit to get used to it. My friend's baby (Jake) finally came home from the hospital yesterday. He spent November and December in the hospital. You've all seen what I did on Monday with the haircut, and I had a "me" day. I bought myself a shirt, got my make up done and then took myself out to dinner. I also bought myself some scratch off lotto tickets and won $13.00.
Well gang, I'm starting to see little purple dots. A sign that this headache is developing into a migraine. I'll talk at y'all later.