Ok, Vacation's over. Time to go back to the real world. I got home at 1 this morning. Unloaded the car and my suitcases until 2:30. And then crashed until my alarms went off at 5. (And then hit snooze a couple times.)
I had a great time up in Traverse City. It was good to see all my friends, watch the Wings again, and just get away from the day to day of my regular life. I was able to get tons of autographs for both the auctions that I am participating with. (Mom's Rotary auction and the benefit for my co workers baby.)
I was able to spend alot of time people watching the last couple of days. Hockey fans come in all sizes and sorts. You'll come across the Puck Bunnies, the Dealers, and the John Q. Fans. As previously mentioned, I usually sit outside and hold spots in the autograph line so my friends can go in and watch the practices. (I go inside for a couple hours one day to watch.) You'll see me sitting in my little red chair with my trusty back pack and a pocket full of sharpies. Neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor hail (or roasting sun) keeps us fans away.
You can usually tell the dealers by the stacks of stuff that they haul out of their vehicles. Which they constantly refresh depending on which players come out the doors. The puck bunnies show up in skimpy outfits, more make up than a mime, and hair styles that defy gravity. And finally there are the John Q. Fans. The people who want the experience of meeting their favorite players. Each group making each camp more memorable.
I took my mother with me to the Charity Dinner. She said she'd take pictures for me and that way she would be able to get more autographs for her auction. (She's a member of the Rotary that I was getting things for.) That was my night. All the signatures that I got that night were for myself. She went back home the following day. The rest of the week I spent with my friends. I hope that the players don't think that I'm a dealer. I do try to get allot of signatures, but the ones I don't keep for my personal collection are donated to charities or given to friends back home who cant go to camp themselves.
One special memory for this camp for me is when Datsyuk and Igor Grigorinko (draft pick) game out on the last night. They came out the door only to discover that all the cars to take them back to the hotel were gone. They looked like deer in headlights when they realized that there were still fans out there and no vehicles for a quick escape. I have been trying to teach myself Russian, and since it was the last day I was there, I decided to try what I've learned out. I said thank you in Russian to them after they signed for me (again.) Grigorinko who doesn't speak any English whipped his head up and smiled really big. I told him that I was learning Russian just like he was learning English. He was happy with that. Then when I did the same with Pavel, he responded with what I think is "You're welcome" in Russian.
Well gang, I've written a book here tonight. I'm sitting here typing and listening to the 1st preseason game via online radio from Minnesota. I'm exhuasted like you wouldn't believe. See ya'll tomorrow.