With the help of caffeine, some protein, and massive amounts of Tylenol, I finally managed to master the migraine. The headache from hell is now a dull throb, that while painful is something I can live with.
So, I celebrated the fact that I could now hold my head up without agony by turning into Suzy Homemaker. I cleaned (even vacuumed), I cooked (venison stew and chili, plus a pumpkin spice desert,) and finished up some last minute shopping that I needed to take care of.
I come from a long line of good cooks. But, the other half of my genetics comes from a longer line of bad cooks. I personally fall somewhere in the middle. In other words, I can follow the directions on the box really well. I have had my fair share of successes and dismal failures in the kitchen. There are the "can't miss" recipes and the "What in the heck were you thinking?" ones. I'll admit to setting off the fire alarm at least twice..(this month!)
I also sorted through my closet. I got a good laugh at myself when I realized that I still have clothes that I got in the 1980's. I guess I'm more of a pack rat than I thought. 75% of the stuff doesn't even fit anymore. Perhaps I'll put it for sale on ebay and make a killing on "vintage" clothes. There's the fat clothes, the work clothes, the skinny clothes that I'm dieting to fit into, the fall/winter clothes and then the summer wardrobe. Then there's the shoes. I only wear 3 - 5 of pairs that I own. The tennis shoes, the black flats, and the brown low heals are my standard day to day wear. With the Black strappy heels and the flip flops as needed. I also have the standard pairs of boots since I do live in a state that is covered with snow for at least 5 months of the year. There's the dressy boots to wear with dressy clothes and the thinsulate camo boots for tromping around in the woods during hunting season.
I read alot (about a book and a half a day.) So, while cleaning I boxed up about 3 boxes of books. My favorite is mystery/suspense, but fiction in general is my norm. One whole wall in my apartment is covered with shelves and shelves of books. If anyone would like some books, let me know. I have a ton that I'd like to get rid of. People give me books all the time, so there is a wide selection to choose from if you want them. Just let me know.
Well gang, I have to go exercise. I have to do extra miles tonight due to taking time off due to the migraine. Hope you all have a good day! Talk at ya later!