"Round and round she goes... where she stops nobody knows!"
Do you ever feel like you've been strapped to one of those "spin the wheel" games and there's some idiot throwing knives at you? You helplessly spin round and round praying 1. That the knives are fakes and 2. The idiot tossing them has perfect aim. As dizzy as you get, you begin to think that if you survive this rotating brush with death you're in for one hell of a show.
It's only Tuesday, but I'm already counting the days, hours, minutes, and yes even the seconds to the weekend. I checked the calendar, and the full moon isn't for 2 more weeks. Though you could have fooled me. All of the loonies are out and about around town. Left overs from Halloween? Maybe!
Work has been really stressful as of late. The staff are going through their whiney stage. It's like working with toddlers with PMS while on a cross country road trip with a flat tire and a dog with gastrointestinal problems. (Complete with the whole
"I'm not touching you" routine.) If we did that team building exercise where you have to fall backwards and trust that your co-worker was going to catch you, we'd all be on the floor with head injuries at this point. Who knows why we're all pissy right now? All I know is that you'd better watch your P's and Q's around there right now or you're likely to find one of those knives that afore mentioned knife thrower is tossing in your back. We'll pass out the cookies and milk, have nap time and everything will be back on track sooner than you know it.
I finally got a new cell phone. After the benefit on Saturday, I went to the local Verizon store armed with all the info from the company headquarters. The guy who helped me this time (Brian Hatrick) was much better than the last employee I worked with. He went out of his way to apologize and to try to make amends for the way I had been treated the last time I was there. (You can read about that in previous blogs.) Maybe it had to do with the fact that we reported the store to corporate headquarters and made a big to do about what happened last time. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets oiled! The only problem that I encountered this time is that the car charger that he gave me went to a Motorola phone and I got a Samsung. I took it back to day and they switched it for the right one.
Another source of fun this week has been my computer. I use the Norton anti virus to protect my computer. My subscription was running out and I renewed it online. But, I accidentally hit the button twice and downloaded the update twice. I panic ed and immediately contacted Norton. They responded within hours (impressive) and assured me that they would only bill my card for the one I activated and they would cancel the 2nd one. Ok great, I can handle that. But then yesterday afternoon, It decided that the file I downloaded was corrupt and wouldn't activate the new update. Leaving my computer open for a virus or 7. I contacted the company again and they responded right away. At 2:30 in the morning no less. I did what they said to do, but it still wouldn't activate the update. So I contacted Norton for a third time and this time, they called me and walked me through re installing the update. So now I'm protected from computer viruses.
I'm sure you're wondering if I'm ever going to shut up at this point. Well, never fear... I'm drawing this blog to a close. Even with all the crap that has gone on this week, there is a bright spot that far outweighs all the crap. Something that makes up for all the bad stuff that happens this week. I'm going to focus on that and forget about the rest. We had the benefit for my coworker/friends baby this last Saturday. We were expecting around 300 people and had around 700 show up. The caterer blessed us by only charging us for 300 people and donating the rest to the baby. Everything went off without a hitch and people gave freely to help out the family. The person who won the 50-50 raffle wrote the baby's name on the back of their ticket, so Jacob got all of the $ from the raffle. The current total for funds raised at this point from the ticket sales, the bake sale, silent auction, raffle, and donations is at $15,500. What an experience to be a part of. I am blessed to have been able to be a part of that. I know how much this is going to help Jacob and his family.
Well gang. That's it. I'm done for the night. Time for me to exercise and then call it a night.
I hope that you all have something good happen for you this week. Even if that something good is that their was tp left on the roll when you needed it or that your room mate didn't use up all the hot water.