What a wild and crazy last couple days we've had.
Susanna Joelle was born at 3:01 AM on 11/21/07. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She has a little fuzzy brown hair. There were a few complications with the c-section, but everyone is healthy and doing well at this point.
Leah isn't really thrilled with the new addition to her family yet. Her first thoughts were "Susanna.. Cute!"
I'm sure that once she gets the idea that sister Susanna is here to stay, then Leah will warm up to her. But right now it's "Susanna... Cute!" and "Baby.. My sister.."
Our Thanksgiving plans had to be postponed due to Susanna's surprise entrance into the world. My sister Hilary can't have anything to eat other than liquids until tomorrow due to having had the c-section surgery, so there will be no turkey for her. (Unless we get her some of the Jones soda that's flavored like a Thanksgiving dinner with Turkey, mashed potatoes, etc... blech!) Mom, dad, Leah and myself had ourselves a Thanksgiving feast in the hospital cafeteria. Our dinner consisted of Cheetos's, peanut m&m's, and a rice krispy treat with a bottle of diet coke from the vending machines. We're moving the Turkey dinner to Sunday instead.
My older sister and younger brother are both ill, so postponing the dinner works out for all of us really. It gives them a chance to rest up for a day or so more, lets Hilary be eating real food and discharged from the hospital, gives mom a chance to go buy a turkey, and I have time to figure out what I'm bringing to the dinner. (We're doing it potluck style this year.)
Mom, Dad, and I brought Leah back up to mom's house this evening. She did really well for the 2 days we had her at the hospital, but she's only 2 years old. She can only sit still and be quiet for so long. That and she's in the middle of potty training, and a hospital isn't really condusive for that. She's been in a kinda off mood all day today. A bit on the fussy side. Probably a bit overwhelmed with what's all going on.
Grammy keeps a goldfish (Dorothy from Elmo's world) her at her house that Leah helps take care of when she comes to visit. She sprinkles the pinch of food into the bowl, makes sure Elmo and Mr. Noodle come visit, and that Dorothy is dizzy from having her bowl spun around and around. Dorothy being a normal goldfish passed away this last weekend. No one told Leah about Dorothy's demise, we just hid the empty bowl in hopes that she would forget about it. But, much to our surprise, Leah walked into the room tonight and announced to my dad and myself that "Dorothy...Dead!" Our jaws dropped and we just looked at each other. How could 2 year old Leah know that Dorothy's gone to that fishbowl in the sky? Strange! What a smart big girl we have.
Well gang, it's been a busy couple of days. I'm exhausted and planning to get up EARLY to get the day after Thanksgiving sales. I was planning on being in the woods hunting this weekend, but with the arrival of the baby and the fact that I already have the biggest deer on the pole, I'm going shopping instead. Hunting of a different sort per say. I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!