Snow on the carport roof

Picnic anyone?
Sunday we celebrated my younger brother's birthday as well as the superbowl. Jon wasn't able to spend the day with us due to prior commintments, but we still had a good time. We had all his favorites in his honor and talked to him on the phone. He's coming to this side of the state later this month, so we'll celebrate in person then. I was happy that my team won the superbowl. And what a great game it was. The commercials surprisingly weren't that good in my opinion. Not as good as last years, I think.
Today was rather a blah day. The perfect way to ease into a week. Work was same old same old, but other than a few hiccups it went reasonably well. There was even the added bonus of an update from the radio station on my co-worker's ex-husband. Apparently he and the girl that called in went out on the first date, and that turned into a second lunch the following day. I'm dying to see what my co-worker has to say about that. She's switched to on call, so we don't see her every day.
My mom won an award today. She's in the local Rotary and won the "Eagle award." It's sorta like Rotarian of the year. We're going to celebrate with her later this month. I had known for weeks that she was going to be the winner, but was sworn to keep it a secret until the rotary people could surprise her with the announcement. Congrats mom!
Well gang, I'm off to go exercise and then make it an early night. With all the partying this weekend, I didn't get much sleep. I'm a bit worried that I've rambled aimlessly through this blog. Please forgive me if I have. I'll talk at ya later skaters, Joelle (aka "Refhater" and "Reffie.")