Saturday, August 11, 2007

Get Well Soon!

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Yesterday, she underwent surgery to hopefully prevent the cancer from spreading any further than it had already. She is a young single mother who is very active in her children's lives. She goes to every sporting event (even if it involves driving clear across the state) and every school function that she can. She isn't much older than I am. She only told me about her diagnosis 2 weeks ago, after finding out herself early last June.

It makes you stop to think how fragile and special life is. And how important your friends are. I feel so helpless that my friend has to go through something like this. And the most that I can do for her is to be there if/when she wants me and to pray for her speedy recovery. I want to be able to wave a magic wand and make it all disappear, to keep her beautiful long blonde hair from falling out from the chemo, and to keep her kids from having to fear that their mom is going to die. I wonder why her of all people? Then I think that it's good that it happened to her, because she's strong enough to deal with something like this. She's the type of person who can take this situation and turn it around to help others.

Please join the fight against cancer. Anything from participating in Relay for Life events to dropping your spare change into the canister by the cash register at the gas station/grocery store can help. Cancer touches everyone's life in someway. (I've personally had 3 family members and 3 friends diagnosed with it.) Below is a link to the American Cancer Society. Any information that you want/need regarding cancer of any kind (breast or otherwise) can be found at that site.

Get Well Soon, L. Love you!

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