Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Migraine Monday

UGH! I had another migraine last night. Hence the early post this morning. It started with the smell of toast (aura) yesterday morning and went steadily downhill from there.

So, last night instead of writing here, I was on the couch in the dark with an ice pack after taking meds. I don't get them often but boy do they creep up. Usually when my blood sugar gets too low. Or in cases of high stress. Though last night's is a mystery to me since I had eaten throughout the day and wasn't too stressed out from work.

Oh well, life goes on. The world doesn't stop because the little demons are tap dancing in my skull with anvils. Though I wish it might sometimes. So, I'm off to work this morning with the rem nets of a headache. Much like a hang over. Looks like I'll spring and drown it in caffeine this morning. Too bad I'm allergic to chocolate, I'm told its a natural pain killer.

See ya'll tonight!

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