Your Fortune: "Your wish is about to come true... "
The best part about eating Chinese food is the fortune cookie. Because of my food allergies, I can't eat either the food or the cookie, but that doesn't stop me from getting my fortune. The only dish that I can get is the chicken and vegtables at the Hunan's resturant. (They use a white sauce instead of a soy sauce.)
The best part about eating Chinese food is the fortune cookie. Because of my food allergies, I can't eat either the food or the cookie, but that doesn't stop me from getting my fortune. The only dish that I can get is the chicken and vegtables at the Hunan's resturant. (They use a white sauce instead of a soy sauce.)
I don't believe in horoscopes or that type of thing, but they do provide some mindless entertainment. Something that everyone needs from time to time. If the fortune is good, I'll add it to the collection that I carry around in my wallet. The running joke with my friends is that you add "In Bed" at the end of each fortune. Childish, but it makes us laugh. I've personally had ones like "You will be a contest winner.. In bed," "There are big changes for you but you will be happy.. in bed," and "The day only gets better... in bed."
Why am I writing about fortune cookies? Because I don't have anything else of real interest to talk about tonight. I got farmed out to another office today because their secretary is off on medical leave. So, Nothing interesting happened at work. I ran errands after work, went to the tanner, and exercised. I'm so ready for it to be the weekend. I'll see ya'll tomorrow.
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