Today I spent running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Trying to get everything ready for my upcoming vacation. I'm leaving after work tomorrow, so I have to get everything ready tonight. There's packing clothes, picking up last minute needs, stopping at the pharmacy, and cleaning up my apartment before I leave.
Packing clothes is an iffy prospect. I'll more than likely pack way more than I need, but also forget something very important. According to reports, its going to be rainy for a couple days and then sunny for the rest. Knowing that there's a 50% chance that the forecast is going to be totally wrong, I have to pack for both hot and cold weather. (Note to self... don't forget an umbrella just in case.) And then there's the shoes... I need the strappy black heels for the dinner, tennis shoes for running around, and then bar shoes for going out. There's my make up and hair stuff. And I can't forget diet coke and snacks. Humm....maybe I should rent a trailer for all this stuff.
I'm going to be meeting a group of friends up at Traverse City. It's the off season, so there's not alot of "tourists," but the weather is still nice enough to enjoy. (And the hotel rates are cheaper.) We like to hang out around town. Go out to eat at the various restaurants and the shopping is incredible. We're also going to go to the Red Wings training camp and a few are going to a special dinner with the players. ($150 per ticket, it better be special!) I usually get the players autographs for the Rotary Auction. It's going to be interesting this year because there are 2 separate auctions that I need to get autographs for. The Rotary and my co worker's ill baby. (The baby was born with an omphalocele; a birth defect in which the infant's intestine or other abdominal organs stick out of the navel. )
Well gang, I've stalled long enough. I must get back to packing and then loading my car. If I can borrow a laptop, then I'll post while on vacation. But if I can't have fun without me. I'll be back next Tuesday.
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