There is a random assortment of creatures that inhabit the wooded area around my apartment. I've seen the 2 bunnies and the fox. And smelled the skunk. Apparently, one of the other creatures doesn't like said skunk or thinks that he'd make a tasty morsel to eat. So once again, my apartment reeks of skunk. You can hear the skunk fighting with something outside. Then BAM, there goes the spray!
That smell doesn't just go away. It lingers like a bad dream in the air for days. And since the stupid thing insists on fighting something every night, the smell permeates the building. Either it's mating season and he's trying to attract a female, fighting with another creature, or he's marking his territory. Whatever it is, he needs to stop.
I'm totally exhausted. So, I'm going to go to bed. Have fun tomorrow. Reffie
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