Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and now we're in for 6 more weeks of winter. Why we must rely on a glorified woodchuck for weather predictions, I don't know. The scary part is that the dang critter is more accurate than most tv weather crews.
I am so so so ready for winter to be over! Don't get me wrong, I love the winter! I don't mind the cold temperatures. It's the having to drive on glare ice and a foot of snow that sets my nerves on edge. Yesterday, mother nature decided to dump at least a foot of snow on us. And to make it all the more fun, there was an unusually warm day on Tuesday that caused alot of the previous snow to melt and then re-freeze into ice before Wednesday's snow storm hit.
So, as you can imagine, this morning's trek to work was tons 'o fun! Since I knew that the storm was coming I planned on going into work early. (The less people on the roads the same time I am, the better.) I left my apartment around 4:30ish AM. to make the 2 mile drive to the hospital. (I usually start work at 6 AM.) I then proceded to get stuck in the unplowed parking lot of my apartment complex at least 4 times before I was able to even get to the road. I prayed to God that no one would come down my street as I rocked back and forth into the road trying to get unstuck from the driveway. Thankfully the roads I needed are main roads, so they were at least plowed. With my past history on bad roads, I drive VERY slowly. It took me almost an hour to go 2 miles.
Once I got to work, it was every bit as bad as I was expecting. I don't know what it is, but I swear everytime the weather gets bad, all of our patients decide to show up. People who haven't shown up to their appointments for weeks will show up the day we have a blizzard. My co-workers on the other hand aren't as hearty. 13 out of the 22 called in saying they were either stuck somewhere or not coming in due to the weather. And, there's been an outbreak of the flu in the department so those who weren't calling in due to the weather were calling in sick. By 10:00 this morning, there were a total of 4 of us actually in the hospital building. Not cool! I called in every favor I had and managed to have at least 8 staff there by noon. By 1:00 the roads were plowed and almost everyone made it in to make sure that the patients recieved quality care.
I desperatly need to go grocery shopping, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to do that. I'm going to settle in for the night, watch the Wings play the Kings, do my exercises, and raid my cupboards to see if there's any goodies stashed somewhere that I might have missed. Who know's I might even take a long soak in a bubble bath.
Talk at ya later! -Reffie.
Here's some pictures of the snow that we got.
Snow on the carport roof

Picnic anyone?
1 comment:
What does roasted woodchuck taste like?
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