It started last night with chills and nausea and progressivly got worse as today went on. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to tolerate solid food again. Let me just say Tums are your friends! I took a half day off of work to try to sleep it off and am feeling much better at the moment. Hopefully this is only a 24 hour bug and by tomorrow I'll be back to normal.
I dont have any particular valentines day plans this year. Since I'm currently single, there will be no romantic date or anything like that. If I'm feeling alot better and over this flu bug then I might go out some where. (I'm invited to a party with some of my co-workers.) But if I'm still feeling puny, then I'll most likely indulge in a bubble bath and then call it a night.
I'm really not a complicated valentine's date. I'm allergic to chocolate, some flowers, and nickel (metal found in jewelry) so that eliminates most the traditional valentine's day gifts. I'd be happy with a card, a nice dinner, and a movie. (Snuggling on the couch while watching videos would work too..)
Well gang, I'm going to attempt to exercise, send a few emails, and then call it a night. I hope you all have a happy valentines day! Kiss someone for me...
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