I recently caught myself yelling at some "kids" (20-25 year olds) to turn down that racket that they call music. "Some of us have to go to bed early to get up to go to work in the morning." That went along with me mentioning that "I remember when gas was only 88 cents a gallon." My joints hurt and I can even feel when the weather is going to change in my bones. (I didn't believe that that was possible until I broke my nose and it I could feel it myself.) Some times I eat prunes. (only in dire circumstances.) And I take a handfull of pills every day. Heck, I'm even driving the posted speed limit.
While there are some pretty significant bad parts about being old, there are some side benefits as well. You get discounts in restaurants, you get the closer parking spaces at stores, and you can wear whatever you want; even if its a housecoat and piggy slippers. If you space out every once in a while, people more than likely blame it on your age vs. you just screwing up. You can take naps wherever and whenever you please. And it's expected that you have something good to eat around you at all times like cookies or candies. And if someone is really annoying you, you can pretend to be hard of hearing.
Another challenging week at work. The other Admin. Assistant is on vacation so I'm virtually running the entire office by myself. It sure is making me feel each of my 30 something years. Hopefully when I get old, I'll be like both my grandmas. Lots of spunk with a quirky sense of humor. I'm already alot like my Great Grandma H. She hated baseball umps with a passion. You could hear her yelling at them while coming down the street to her house.
Well gang, I'm off to take my mid afternoon nap. Us old fogies need to rest alot.
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