In society today, reported hero's are few and far between. Yesterday, we Americans (And the rest of the world as well) were introduced to a few of them. You can't turn on the TV, surf the web, or even read a paper without news of the trapped miners in Utah. The situation becomes more and more critical as the days pass. Yesterday, men attempted to rescue the 6 trapped miners. They willingly entered a potentially life threatening situation to hopefully rescue their comrades not knowing if the 6 trapped miners are still alive. They knew there was a chance that they could be injured or killed themselves, but they still made the decision to enter the mine to try to get to the trapped men. As it's been reported in the news, 3 of the would be rescuers were killed and 6 injured in a second cave in. Those would be rescuers are heroes!
Anyone who would willingly to risk their lives and well being to attempt to save another is a hero. The US Armed forces are heroes, men and women who put their lives on the line so that we Americans as well as the rest of the world can live free and be safe from unknown dangers. Police and Fire Fighters are heroes as well. Even John (Jane) Q. Public who stops to help a stranded motorist or searches to find a missing child/person is a hero. As witnessed by the people who dove into the water to try to rescue people in the recent bridge collapse. Because of these people, the world is a better place.
I send my thoughts and prayers to the Utah families who have lost a loved one and to those who are still waiting to hear if their loved one is alive. And, also to all the Heroes in the world! May God bless you and reward you for your efforts. Though they may not be acknowledged, they are appreciated.
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