I have 800 square feet and a view that includes the parking lot, the highway, and the 24 hour gas station on the corner. There's 2 bedrooms, a small bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. And it's all mine!
There are some unique joys of living in an apartment complex. I don't have to shovel the driveway or mow the lawn. There is a pool and patio, but it hasn't worked right for 2 out of the 3 years I've lived here. I have a car port to park my car into, but its about a block away from my front door. But, I'm only 2 miles from everything. 2 miles from work, 2 miles from the mall, and 2 miles from the grocery store. If needed, I could walk anywhere I needed to go.
My neighbors are an interesting lot. Across the hall is a single guy who's about my age. I rarely see him other than the occasional crossing in the hall. Below me is a couple in their mid 70's and the wife's mother. I'm sure they just love it when I do my exercise routine late each night. My neighbor that shares the big wall with me is a 20 something college student. She's the noisy one. The one that drives me crazy. Her schedule is the exact opposite of mine, so when I'm trying to sleep she's wide awake and moving about like an elephant in a china shop. Shes prone to taking multiple hour long showers at random times during the day. (And she uses all the hot water available!) There is one more neighbor that shares a side wall with me. I've never met them, but they've created some interesting memories. As I've mentioned before, the wall here are rather thin.. One night I was in the bathroom, and I heard all this thumping around. It sounded like someone was trying to break into my apartment. I grabbed the first available thing I could reach (a shampoo bottle) and cautiously opened the door. It turns out that they had called an ambulance and the thumping noises were the ambulance crew getting them out of the bathroom that shares a wall with me.
My apartment is decorated in early garage sale. I have a red white and blue checkered couch, a pink rocking chair, my computer desk, and entertainment center in the living room. The kitchen table came from the goodwill and the chairs from my parents old set. In my bedroom I have just the bed, a book shelf, and a couple dressers. The spare room is basically a store room, so it doesn't have much more than bookshelves and boxes. There is a hockey theme that decorates the entire place as I collect sports memorabilia. The bathroom is decorated in butterflies. (I had to have something girly in the place.)
I really should clean my apartment. Right now it's a disaster. I've been really busy so everything has just been thrown down as I pass through. I usually keep it picked up, though dusting is not high on my list. I'll admit to being a pack rat. So I have alot of stuff around that I probably don't need. But, I might need it someday so I can't get rid of it. Most people have a junk drawer, I have a junk room. My spare room has one wall of just book shelves. The rest of the room is filled with boxes I have yet to unpack from moving in 3 years ago.
Well gang, I have to go exercise (3 miles tonight) and then I'm going to crash. I'm so so so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait for the weekend.
Love always and forever!
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