You've all probably noticed that I haven't blogged for a couple days. There is a reason for that. I've been babysitting my almost 2 year old niece Leah. It's amazing how one little one can keep you running all day long.
I picked her up at the drop off spot on Friday evening. We went out to dinner at our favorite gas station/Restaurant. Leah as usual only ate her fries. Eventually we'll either remember to just order fries for her or she'll start eating the hot dog that goes along with those fries. (Picking our battles at this point.) She eats fruits and veggies like they're going out of style so I guess it counter balances the only fries for dinner nights.
Saturday we went out and picked the beans from my garden. Leah's mostest favorite veggie is green beans. She'll eat the whole can if you let her. We picked lots of beans and some of Grandpa's red tomatoes. We have those plastic snowman out around the gardens to keep the animals (deers, turkeys, etc...) out. Leah had to make sure that each of the "Boys" got a taste of the beans and the tomatoes. "Yum... Yum.... Delicious!"
After we picked all that was ready to be picked from the gardens, we decided to go swing on the swing set. Leah likes to go fairly high, so I was reminded to "Push Jo Jo, Push!" The only problem with her swinging is that she tends to just jump off when she's done. So, I'm standing behind her pushing and all the sudden she goes end over end and splats face first into the dirt. That brought an abrupt halt to the swinging.
Grandpa and Grammy took us out for dinner Saturday evening. We ordered the pizza for Leah and once again she would have none of it. Instead she feasted on the carrot slivers that came in my salad, most of Grandpa's fries, and part of Grammy's chicken. Leah is becoming very independent as of late and insisted on sitting in a booster seat instead of the high chair. We ordered her some diet coke (caffeine free) and they brought it to her in a little kiddie cup with a lid. She thought it was milk and would have nothing to do with it. She wanted my diet coke or nothing at all. It took a great amount of effort on all our parts to convince her that it was indeed diet coke and not milk.
We decided to try swinging again today (Sunday.) Just so she wouldn't develop a fear of the swings. I asked if she wanted to and she nodded her head yes. This time I stood in front of the swing just in case. We got swinging, and Leah proceeded to tell me the story of her spill the day before. "I fall down (pointing to the dirt) and I cry... and cry...." Then she asks to get off the swings and go see the boys. The weather was reasonably warm, so we sat outside and did bubbles, went for a walk in the wagon, and played with the hose in her little pool. She astounded me by counting to 20. (Remember, she's not even 2 yet.)
We watched Elmo movies, Thomas the train, and Leah's newest favorite; Scamper the penguin. We read books, saw deer and turkeys in the yard, and played webkins. Nap time is getting increasingly shorter. The trick to get her to fall asleep is to pop in the baby Einstein dvd. That thing is hypnotic. You turn it on and both Leah and I are asleep instantly.
Well gang, It's time for me to go night night. See you all tomorrow. I'm looking forward to adult conversations again.
1 comment:
Hmm, it looks like you have a foreign correspondent. :-)
It's nice to hear someone else besides myself bragging about my daughter! lol I think my coworkers are sick of hearing about her... she is great though, isn't she? Last night when I tucked her in to bed I put the green plaid blanket from Grammy's on her and she would have nothing to do with it - she INSISTED that I change it to the blanket we normally use in her bed. :-)
Thanks for always taking such good care of her.
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