This dynamic duo lost control of the game early in the first period and it went down hill from there as they attempted to regain it. They were calling the most attrocious penalties against both teams. Even the announcers were wondering what in the He double hockey sticks was going on. 13 Wings penalties and 11 Ducks penalties. 24 penalties x 2 = 48 penalty minutes. That's over 2/3 of a game spent in penalties. Only a third of them were deserved by either team.
Work today was rather blah. One co-worker drove me insane. She works at another site but has access to our scheduling grid. (I have access to hers as well.) She called and asked which of my therapists she could schedule a patient on. I told her which therapist treats that diagnosis and told her not to over ride a blocked for ANY circumstances. So what does the twit do? She changed the block to schedule the patient for tomorrow. And then denied it when I called her about it.
Normally scheduling a patient for the following day isn't a big deal. We just call each other and let them know. Blocks are put in place so that the other secretaries know if that therapist has something going on at a specific time that isn't an actual patient appointment. IE.. Dr appt or doing inpatient evaluations up on the floors. I originally had blocked that therapist to do inpatient evaluations from 7 am to noon. There is no way that I would have only scheduled her upstairs until 11 and left her with an hour to twiddle her thumbs until lunch. We're too busy for that. So I know beyond a Shadow of a doubt that Laura changed the block to get that patient in from 11-12 tomorrow. What am I going to do, I can tell my boss, but She's going to deny it. And with blocks, I can't prove that she altered it. But, everyone in my department knows she did. UGH!
Health wise I am doing good. Other than my less than graceful tripping over the copy machine cart yesterday which left a pretty bruise on my knee. I'm ramping up my diet and exercise this week because I haven't lost any weight for the last 5 weeks. (I haven't gained any either though.) I am so so so craving junk food right now. I'm going through my carnival food phase again. I want corn dogs, caramel apples, pretzels, and cotton candy. Ahh... but I want to be skinny more than I want all those things. So I'm sticking to my salads and yogurts (good thing I have a good imagination and can pretend that they taste as good as the others) and increasing my exercise for each night.
Well, I'm off to exercise and then to bed. It's been a busy last couple of days and its going to stay busy for several more. You can tell that the full moon is coming next week. Cya'll later.
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