Its fall here in Michigan. The temp has dropped, the leaves are changing and the NHL season has officially began.
I am happy to report that I am doing significantly better from the dentist appointment. I no longer look like a reject from a horror movie with a swollen face and contorted lip. Thank you... Thank you very much... (I was looking alot like fat Elvis for a couple days there.)
It's been a rather boring week as a whole. Same old same old with work. Other than 2 trips to Mt. Pleasant, one for the dentist and one for the business expo, nothing else really interesting happened. I'm looking forward to this weekend though. My niece will be back up to play as it's my brother and sister in law's anniversary this weekend. I took some pictures of the leaves last Sunday. The pictures really don't give the colors justice. In a few weeks, we'll have a dazzling array from nature.
On Monday as I was walking out the door after work, I saw an older gentleman with a neon blue 4x4 post it note stuck to his forehead. I must have made a face of some sort because he blushed and said that his wife made him do it. Then, yesterday I went to the business expo at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant. This year both of my parent's offices had booths. I usually will go, steal all the pens and goodies I can get my hands on, and enter the contests that each booth has. In the past I've won a $200.00 car care kit and an attache case. Then I partake of the buffet which has some incredible food. Well, I got a call today saying that I had won a fall centerpiece from the local art gallery. So in all, for a $5 ticket (which was thankfully provided by firstbank) I left the casino with 4 bags of pens and goodies, a gourmet dinner and now a fall centerpiece.
The hockey season has started again. I'm happy to report that the Wings have gotten at least one point out of all their games. Their current record is 3-0-1. One of my friends has sent me a funny video clip from one of the games where the linesman fell down 3 times during the game. It's so hysterically funny that I watch it every day.
Well gang, I've got lots to do before tomorrow and only a little time to do it in. Talk at yall later!
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