Today I had to go to the dentist to have a filling replaced. The one that had been put in years before had started to break apart and in order to keep a new cavity from forming, the dentist decided to replace it with a new one. Ok sure, I can handle one measly little filling.
Let me just start out by saying that I love my dentist. He wouldn't say we needed to replace the old one if he didn't think that it would save me significant pain and problems later. He really is a quality dentist and an all around good guy as well. It's well worth the hour drive each way to go see him.
My appointment was set for 3:20 this afternoon and took around 30 minutes to complete. I got one shot of anesthetic and we were off to the races. I HATE needles, and he has this really cool thing that vibrates the needle so instead of the needle itself you feel the vibrations. I was out of the office around 4:00. (I chit chatted with the staff for a few minutes.)
Well, it is now 8:30 in the evening and I'm in agony. My face is swollen grotesquely. My head, face, jaw, ear, and neck hurt. I still have the Elvis lip curl thing going on because of the anesthetic. They said not to eat until the lip curl thing stops, so I'm starving. (I had lunch at 11:30 this afternoon.) I shudder to think what it's going to be like when the rest of the anesthetic wears off. I'm going to have a slim fast so I can have something on my stomach when I take a pain pill. I tried to put ice on that cheek, but that just made it throb worse.
So, tonight I'm going to take a big ol' pain pill, take a bath (because I'm woozy and might drown in a shower) and then go to bed. I'm going to give myself the night off of exercising. The thought of doing aerobics isn't a good one right now. I'll make the missing exercises up later this week. I'm sure that I'm probably over reacting, but DANG this hurts more that it ought to.
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