I spent some time this weekend re-reading all my old blogs. I came to the conclusion that I'm a sick, angry childcare provider. LOL, all the posts were about taking care of my nieces, how I was angry at someone (mostly referees,) or how I was sick with some sort of ailment. Really, I am a fairly fun, happy person. And I do more than babysit the girls. I like to watch sports (except basket ball.) I like to read books of all sorts. I have friends and we do hang out. I LOVE to shop. I also hunt, garden, and buy scratch off lotto tickets. I volunteer with the local rotary club, the Access to recreation people, and some of the locals running for the local political offices.
Take this last weekend for example. I sent out another batch of letters for the rotary club's radio auction. I'm looking for any type of donations, so if ya'll got something to donate let me know. It's for a good cause. I also went door to door campaigning for a friend of the family who is running for the office of drain commissioner. *Note to self.... Don't wear a white shirt and dark slacks when going door to door. Especially when you've got a fist full of "literature" to pass out. People tend to think you're a Jehovah's witness and pretend they're not home. Even when you can see them behind the glass door.
I tried to make meat loaf for dinner tonight. Let's just say it turned out interesting. Oh well, it's protein. If I use enough catsup it's almost edible. I got the recipe from a co worker. Definitely not something I'll make again. And, for dessert I whipped up some sugar free cheesecake pudding. I'm still on the high protein low carb diet. I've lost 5 lbs in the 2 weeks I've been on it. I've got just under 10 weeks until I go on vacation. So, if I can keep it up until then, I'll be within lbs of my goal weight. I can't wait for vacation. There is no diet on vacation! But, in the mean time... It's protein galore. Thank God for Crystal light packets. They work great for the fruit cravings and help me to drink the recommended amount water.
Well gang, I have to go clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. I'll talk at ya'll later. Hope ya'll have a good day!
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