I've been fighting a headache all day today. Nothing major, just a dull throb. The way I got it bothered me more then the headache itself. Grace is not my middle name. I am what most would call klutzy.
Anyway, back to the story. This morning I reached into the passenger seat of my car to grab my purse and bag to take into the office. As it was crack o' dawn and I wasn't quite awake yet, I misjudged where the car was. I'm sure you could hear the resounding clunk a mile away as I smacked my head into the roof of the car. I am now sporting a lump and a very pretty bruise. Luckily, it's in a spot that I can hide it with my hair and a good make up job. I'll just add it to the inventory of injuries I've given myself.
The earliest injury that I can remember causing myself was around 4 or 5 years old. I was dancing ontop of a table in the McDonalds playground. I proceded to fall and give myself a concussion. I distinctly remember being in the ER looking at an x-ray of my head and one of my parents saying "Hey look, she does have a brain." Then a couple years later, I gave myself 2nd/3rd degree burns on my tookis (twice) by sitting on the hot metal remains of sparklers. (I still blame my siblings for those. Why were they (the sparklers) on the picnic bench instead of the water bucket?) The time I accidently ironed my stomach while trying to iron and watch tv at the same time, the couple of times that I filled my entire foot with splinters that had to be cut out, and we cant forget when I fell asleep on the aluminum dock at the lake and gave myself a 2nd degree burn on my shoulder. Couldn't wear sleeves for months after that. There was the first time I went to the tanning salon and fried myself 2 weeks before my sister got married. I've hit my head on desks, steel beams, and had it slammed into by trunk lids. I've had my hand slamed in car doors and my feet run over by cars. There is more, but this blog entry is long enough as it is already. The only major injury that I didn't cause myslef was the ligament sprain I got from being rear ended by an idiot during an ice storm.
Then there were the other times that I've fallen or tripped with out managing to hurt myslef. The most memorable one being the time when I was trying to get out of a boat and fell into a pile of dead fish. (Maybe that's why I don't like to eat fish now.... hummmm...) I should have a camera crew following me around to record all the thrills and spills. Who knows, I could possibly win on American's funniest home videos or at least have proof that I really did trip over the hanger that was laying on the floor and crash through the antique mirror...
It wasn't an injury, but don't forget the time you looked up and a seagull plastered you with bird s___. Right between the eyes.
And, when you bashed your nose on the window sill, or was it the back of the sofa? (does your face hurt?)
No, Grace is not your name, but luckily your father is a doctor!
ROFL! You must have inherited some of that grace from Aunt Sandy... and her favorite sister... lol!
Hope your head feels better!
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